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Email Management For Immediate Sellers

I am hooked on email.  I am not scared to acknowledge that, but I am not proud of this.  I test it way too frequently and it's the ability to completely derail my day should I let it.  The only consolation is that nearly everybody I know shares my dependence.

I have a lot of excellent direct sales training programs for handling my dependence, and once I use them, I feel great, and I am successful as could be, so I thought I would write a post and discuss some fundamental, easy-to-use direct sales coaching programs. You can get more information about mail management via

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The secret to these training programs is to allow you to have the self-discipline to use them (and I speak from experience).  As an immediate sales coach, I will say they'll just get the job done for you in the event that you make the choice that you are going to restrain your email rather than the other way round.  

And I will only tell you upfront, this post is somewhat long since I got on a roll, which means you might need to save it and examine it afterwards.  It is well worth it, however, so make certain that you do that. 

Thus, let us begin at the start – your email program.   You are either using an internet program (such as Yahoo email or MSN) to handle your direct sales company email, or you are using a desktop application like Outlook or iMail.  


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