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Get Elegant Chocolate Wedding Favors

A Bonbonniere is commonly known as favors, which are small gifts given out to guests on special events or occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, communions, etc. You can get the best bonbonniere gifts via

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In the olden days, the tradition of distributing bonbonniere was to coat almonds with sugar known as Confetti.  Jordan almonds are packed in an elegantly wrapped box that can be made of porcelain, crystal, or precious stones. The almonds symbolize fertility, wealth, happiness, health, and longevity.

Various Bonbonniere Ideas

However, nowadays people choose to diversify in different cultures and bonbonniere ideas are quite a few. One is only limited by their imagination when it comes to choosing the perfect bonbonniere idea.

The meaning and thought behind giving presents are more central than the amount spent on it. Some people prefer to gift wrap their own items in a simple fashion with tulle or ribbon in beautiful colors to make them look elegant and attractive.

  1. If you are on a tight budget, instead of gifting two separate items for a couple, you can select one gift which is given to both like a picture frame.
  2. Each gift can also be personalized by a handwritten message or phrase which symbolizes the occasion. Another good bonbonniere idea is to gift flowers like tulip bulbs since they represent hope and fertility. You can jazz it up with some elegant ribbon wrapped around them and a small note thanking the guests for their presence.
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