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Invisalign In Fort Collins: A Simpler and Better Method to Get A Perfect Smile!

We can now say goodbye to tooth problems and even ugly metal braces. Invisalign is an invisible method of straightening your teeth without braces. Invisalign by an orthodontist in Fort Collins CO is a treatment that uses clear, removable aligners for teeth. There are no wires or metal brackets.

The specifications of the Invisalign aligners are calculated by Invisalign orthodontists and are manufactured specifically to help shift /shape your teeth into place. These aligners can be custom-made to give you the smile that you've always desired.

What Do Invisalign Braces Cost? Are They Worth It?

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This technologically advanced treatment is proven to be efficient in both clinical research and orthodontic practices across the country. Invisalign is used by over 70% of orthodontists.

Invisalign is a complex and sophisticated process. To ensure the best fit, the Invisalign orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth or X-rays. These impressions are then sent to Align Dental Technology, which is the manufacturer of Invisalign. After the impressions have been processed in their labs, and any other details are taken care of by them, aligners are sent to your Invisalign orthodontist.

The aligners should be worn for two weeks and then removed to eat, drink water, brush, and floss. Your teeth will gradually change shape as you replace the aligners every 2 weeks until they reach the position you have chosen. 

This process usually takes between 9 and 15 months. To ensure the best possible treatment, it is recommended to visit the dentist every six weeks.

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