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Is Your Financial Adviser Really An Adviser?

Is your advisor confused if you ask about the differences between a capital gain tax and an ordinary income tax? What if you only want to pay an hourly fee for his advice, just like you would for an attorney? These days, it is hard to find true financial advisors. You can find the best financial advisers via

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These are just two tips that you can use to help you find a trusted financial adviser.

1. General Knowledge: While it is unreasonable to expect your advisor to fill out a Form1120 for your corporation, it is reasonable to expect him to be knowledgeable about the tax implications of selling an investment.

Many financial professionals who have the title "advisor" on their business cards don't know anything beyond what is required by the company. These people aren't willing to do their research on the subject or learn about other areas of expertise. 

2. Compensation: Is it possible to pay only for advice or to buy a product to properly compensate the adviser? I am all for people being compensated for what their work entails. We all need to pay our bills, feed our families, and make ends meet.

It's not difficult for us to do what we do for a living. A financial service professional who sells life insurance is not considered a dishonorable occupation but does not know investing, tax or banking should list the title "adviser".  

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