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Know About The Front Door Designs

A person buys a house to reflect their personality and style. Guests will be the first to notice these characteristics when they enter the home. Front doors are the best way to make your home unique. Here are some examples of front door designs you can change.

1. Dimensions of the Front Door

You can change the design in many ways. The size of the door is the first and most important choice. Doors are available in a variety of sizes, from 30" to 80", as a standard size, to 60" and 96". Any door larger than the standard size is considered custom and will increase the price. The thickness can vary between 7/8" and 1-3/8". If you want to buy front doors, then you can search the web.

front doors

2. Clear or Opaque

The customer should decide whether they want the light to enter their front doors when choosing their designs. You can choose to have your entry doors with glass paneling, or without it. The glass paneling can be tinted or clear to block light. You should also consider safety when choosing this option. You can include the glass panels, opaque or clear, in one section or all of your door. These panels can also be found in the sidelights, which frame the doors.

The design of your front door can be as varied as any other area of your home. Professionals can help you choose the right design and match styles if this is something that you don't enjoy. A designer will make you happier than having to make the wrong decisions and have to correct them. 

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