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Large Wall Art Decor Ideas

The inner wall of a room, home, or office is actually like a blank canvas. Insert some artwork and you can add character and detail to any place in the house.

There are lots of ideas on how to get creative with your walls. Here are some of them.

This is a traditional but proven way of decorating. Just hang a framed photo on the wall. Photos can be anything – close and close family members, memorable places you've been, or themed and carefully crafted photos of a specific object. It is best to blow up or zoom in on these photos. It might be better to keep the wall art decor consistent; If you use a gold leaf frame for a particular image, all other images must use the same frame. By doing so, he practically missed the eyes of chaos.

This is another classic decoration. You have two options: hang a large picture or hang several small pictures. The two main criteria for choosing a painting are size and color. The image should be too big to cover the wall, not too small so it doesn't get lost in all the other objects.

The image should be hung so that its center is at eye level. When choosing a picture for a large wall hanging, choose a bold color in your room or home and choose that colorful piece of art. If you want muted colors, you can choose a black and white image with a light or neutral matte color frame.

The style must be consistent. For example, if your house or room is filled with antiques, the picture you choose might have vintage-style frames.

Two-dimensional sculptures are also great for wall decoration. Another idea is to surround a larger statue or painting with a smaller one.


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