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Options Available For Endometriosis Treatment

Endometriosis is not curable. Endometriosis treatment focuses on eliminating symptoms and signs of the condition. There are many options available depending on the severity and type of the condition. You can also search online to know more about endometriosis medications that can be used to treat endometriosis.

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Many medications can help with endometriosis pain. The first line of treatment would be NSAIDs. These medications are often used by women who are planning to become pregnant. Birth control pills are not recommended for women past their reproductive years, or who do not intend to have children.


Birth control pills should not be stopped for more than 7 days. This will result in complete suppression of your period. It is unknown what the mechanism behind birth control pills or endometriosis implants works, but it is believed they can reduce the implant size to stop their proliferation. Further research is needed to confirm this belief.


Danazol can be used to treat women with low testosterone or high estrogen levels. The medication does not treat the disease, but only the symptoms. This medication will stop the menstrual cycle. It will also put the body in the same state as menopause.


Danazol can reduce pain and bowel emptying. The medication should be stopped immediately to avoid the recurrence of symptoms. This is not recommended because it could increase your risk of developing ovarian carcinoma.


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