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Easy Steps For Growing a Beard

It's important to realize that it takes some dedication to grow a beard, especially during the early stages. You may become discouraged, frustrated and receive comments from friends and family. But, it's very rewarding and worth the effort

Your success in growing a beard depends in large part on your commitment and your genetic makeup. Some people are blessed with the ability to sprout a beard in a few short weeks while others may need to spend months to get the desired look.

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do in terms of genetics but with commitment, you can stick through the challenging stages to see how things turn out. And, if it doesn't work out, you can shave it off in a few minutes.

So if you want to grow your beard make the commitment to yourself to stick with it for at least 8 weeks. This will give you enough time to grow out a decent beard, and for you to become accustomed to maintaining it.

Start Growing Your Beard with the help of best beard oil in Melbourne

You can start your beard whenever works best for you. Some people choose to grow it out during the winter months. Others choose to begin growing their beard during vacation while away from work. Yet others choose to grow during football/hockey/baseball/soccer/lacrosse/etc season.

Others do it to support national causes like Movember (prostate cancer research) or any other worthy charity. It really doesn't matter when you begin… just pick a date and stop shaving!

One of the biggest mistakes men make is attempting to shape/trim their beard too soon. It's best to allow 4 – 6 weeks of growth before attempting to shape the beard. Even if you're only planning to grow a goatee, chin curtain, or mustache it's best to store your razor and allow your facial hair to flourish.

Why grow out a full beard for the first four weeks?

  • You can't determine how your beard will grow out and will likely trim too much off
  • You may find that your beard fills out well in some areas and not so well in others
  • You may like one style when clean-shaven but an entirely different one with sufficient growth

All of these reasons can create an awkward looking beard that soon ends up in the bathroom sink