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How To Choose Kitchen Faucets

Of all the accessories and appliances, the kitchen faucet is probably the most used. According to faucet manufacturer KWC, the average family uses a kitchen faucet more than 40 times a day. Whether it's washing your hands, washing dishes, filling a pasta pot, or washing vegetables, the kitchen faucet does work every day. 

So when it's time to buy a new faucet, you need to know how to choose a faucet that will do the job and will do the same for years to come. One of the first things to know before buying a faucet is the configuration of the holes. You can also check for the best commercial faucets through various online sites.

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Types of kitchen faucets

Which faucet is right for you depends on your personal preferences. You have several to choose from.

Pulling and lowering the crane

Pull-out faucets have a shower head that pulls toward you, whereas pull-out faucets have a shower head that pulls toward the bottom of the sink. Both of these options will help you clean your sink and laundry products or aquatic plants.

Kitchen faucet with handle with side shower

One-handed cranes still make up more than 80% of crane sales and are popular with building owners. This faucet is simple and has handles that control temperature and flow.

Crane with two handles

Faucets with two handles are not as popular as single handles because they are not as easy to use. They have a classic look that makes a strong fashion statement in Victorian styles and kitchens from another era.