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Tips For Finding A Commercial Real Estate Agent

When it comes to finding the right commercial real estate agent, it's not that easy. The right agent can mean the difference between saving thousands of dollars in commissions and making millions. The right agent can save you time, namely money.

When you're ready to hire a reputable commercial real estate agent, ask some key questions. First, ask the agent to send you information about yourself. By looking at the agent's promotional materials and brochures, you can get an idea of whether the person will be able to find the right commercial property or sell the property you already own.

Second, ask commercial properties for their qualifications, certifications, and commercial property sale information. If the agent is a realtor who primarily works with real estate listings, you may want to wait until he or she has more experience before getting tested.

Real estate transactions are not only bigger deals at a higher price, they also require more experience and specialized training and knowledge.

Third, ask the agent the average length of time it has taken to sell commercial property to them since the property was sold. To help remember the question, ask how she compares to the average person working in the same city or town.

Just because he's selling the property in a few weeks doesn't mean you will get as much money as you can from your business. This could mean that it is a seller's market.

Fourth, ask if the real estate agent or broker has support staff who can handle some basic details. You might think you only hired one person to find all the grumbling jobs and gigs run by different agencies. If so, also interview support staff to make sure it suits your needs.