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What Is The Difference Between DEM And APM/EUEM?

Digital experience monitoring (DEM) and application performance management (APM) are two different monitoring technologies that can be used to monitor the performance of applications. DEM is a technology that focuses on the user experience, while APM is focused on the performance of the applications.

The biggest difference between DEM and APM/EUEM is that DEM is focused on the user experience, while APM/EUEM is focused on the performance of the applications. You can also browse to know more about DEM.

This means that APM/EUEM can provide more detailed information about how an application is performing, whereas DEM may only focus on issues related to the user experience. Additionally, EUEM can track data across multiple servers, while APM/DEM typically only tracks data on one server.

Digital experience monitoring (DEM) is a newer concept in performance management, while application performance monitoring/enterprise event management (APM/EUEM) has been around for many years. Here's a quick overview of the major differences between DEM and APM/EUEM:

DEM is focused on understanding how users interact with digital applications and services, whereas APM/EUEM is focused on understanding how applications run.

DEM can capture events and data across multiple channels (web, mobile, desktops, etc.), whereas APM/EUEM typically only captures data from application servers. Finally, DEM usually resides on the end user's device or system, whereas APM/EUEM typically resides on servers.