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Have Balance Problems? Or Maybe Dizziness?

Balance is a skill that allows us to remain upright and not fall whether we are sitting, standing, walking, or undertaking leisure activities. Balance depends on information being sent to the brain from 3 systems – the eyes (visual system), inner ears (vestibular system), and muscles and joints (musculoskeletal system). 

As the standing position becomes more difficult or when the surface we are standing on becomes unstable, the brain relies more on the visual and vestibular system to maintain balance.

Dizziness can be caused by many factors but is generally caused by confusion of the information sent to the brain between the systems. If one of these systems is compromised, it will send incorrect information to the brain, causing confusion, dizziness, and a loss of balance. If your balance problems are leading to falls then it can become quite dangerous, then it would be best to get help from the professional dizziness health center in Edmonton.

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What is the Vestibular System?

The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear that help control balance and coordinate head and eye movement. The system contributes to balance and helps to maintain clear vision when the head is in different positions and while the head is moving.

Symptoms you may experience with a vestibular problem

  • Vertigo – a sense of the world or one’s self spinning or moving

  • Dizziness – a lightheaded or floating sensation

  • Blurred Vision – often when moving your head

  • Veering to one side when walking

  • Nausea and sometimes vomiting

  • Falls

  • Motion sensitivity – dizziness and nauseous feeling when changing positions and associated with traveling in a vehicle