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Read About How Medicaid Different From Medicare

Medicare covers some but not all costs of medical care for elderly citizens. The whole work is divided into parts. For those who have contributed enough to Medicare through taxes, Part A, hospital care is premium free.

Coverage for Part B-doctor care, Part C-Medicare Advantage, and Part D-prescription drug coverage require a monthly premium or yearly deductibles.


Medicaid, although a federal program, is administered by each state. Each state must meet federal guidelines regarding services but may also provide additional coverage via state government funds. You can also get more information about Medicare at

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Medicare, which is run by the federal government, is funded by taxes collected from every working Americans paycheck.

Medicare Parts C and D, which are provided through private insurance companies, may differ from one company to another, but must still meet federal Medicare coverage guidelines.

Make a relative a paid caregiver:

If you need help within the 5 year period, you can draw up a caregiver agreement to pay a relative for caregiving services – such as driving to medical appointments, helping with household chores, and coordinating or providing care for you.

These 'reasonable' payments help draw down your assets closer to the point of Medicaid eligibility while passing cash on to a family member.

You can see that effective Medicaid Planning requires you to start transferring assets earlier than 5 years before you reach a serious need for comprehensive long-term care.

Since you don't know when you'll need LTC, the earlier you start transferring assets – the better.