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Buying The Perfect Army Tents

Don't ruin your family's camping trip with the wrong equipment. When it comes to buying a family camping tent, consider buying a weekend home for your family. In my opinion, this is one of the most important pieces of camping gear you will buy.

Before buying army tents, there are a few simple questions you need to ask yourself so that you and your family can fully enjoy the outdoors.

1. What kind of tent do you want?

Dome tents are ideal for families who like things a little more simple and "rough". They are usually less expensive and do not offer the broad aspects of camping. They are set up in minutes and offer a variety of pole configurations. This is important when going camping where strong winds can be a factor.

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2. How much are you willing to spend?

Tent prices can vary widely. You can buy a 2 person dome from $49.00 to $700.00. The determining factor is the choice of bed, manufacturer, and material. In all honesty, you get what you pay for.

3. What kind of weather do you expect?

You need to consider the timing of your camping trip as it will affect the type of material your tent will be made of. Most cabins are made of torn polyester or nylon taffeta. 

Your tent is probably the most important camping gear you buy. Do yourself a favor and take the time to explore the different styles, materials, and manufacturers so you and your family can enjoy the great outdoors.