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What is a Non-Surgical Nose Job?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a medical procedure that uses an injectable filler to change or reshape the nose. By filling in dents, smoothing sharp corners, and increasing nose symmetry, these injectable fillers can provide a simpler appearance without surgery.

The non-surgical rhinoplasty can be done quickly and easily – it usually takes between fifteen and thirty minutes – and the results are immediate. Because a local anesthetic is applied to the nose prior to injection, and the dermal filler itself contains the anesthetic, the procedure is less painful. Most patients are able to resume daily activities immediately after the procedure, but any heavy glasses should be avoided for the first two weeks as they may interfere with the results.

The fillers used in non-surgical rhinoplasty are temporary and are naturally broken down by the body over time. Results last between 8 and 10 months depending on the type of dermal filler used, and your doctor should be able to tell you which one is right for you.

One of the main benefits of opting for a non-surgical rhinoplasty is avoiding the risks associated with the surgery. However, it is important to emphasize that although this procedure is non-surgical, like other cosmetic treatments, it is not completely risk-free.

In addition to temporary side effects such as bruising, pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, side effects are also possible. Although rare, problems such as infection, injury, and skin imperfections can occur. For this reason, the procedure should always be performed by a doctor who is prepared for possible complications.