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How Organic Sunflower Oil is Made: From Seed to Bottle

Organic sunflower oil is produced from sunflower seeds that have been grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The organic farming practices ensure that the oil is free from harmful chemicals and retains its natural nutritional profile.

Seed Selection and Harvesting

The first step in the production of pure sunflower oil is the selection of high-quality sunflower seeds. Organic farmers choose seeds that are non-GMO and have a high oil content. These seeds are sown in well-prepared soil during the appropriate planting season. The soil is enriched with organic matter to provide a fertile environment for seed germination and growth.

Seed Cleaning and Drying

After harvesting, the sunflower heads are brought to the processing facility where the seeds are separated from the rest of the plant material. This is done using specialized machinery that removes the seeds from the sunflower heads.

Oil Extraction

There are two main methods of extracting oil from sunflower seeds: cold-pressing and solvent extraction. Organic sunflower oil is commonly produced using the cold-pressing method, which involves crushing the seeds to extract the oil without the use of heat or chemicals.

Bottling and Packaging

Once the organic sunflower oil is extracted and filtered, it is ready for bottling. The oil is transferred to clean and sterilized containers to ensure its freshness and quality. 

Quality Control and Storage

Before the organic sunflower oil is released into the market, it undergoes rigorous quality control checks to ensure its purity and compliance with organic standards. 

What Oil Is Best For Deep Frying?

The most common use for cooking oil is during frying. The oil works as a heat transfer and adds flavor and texture to food. One of the main requirements for cooking oil is that it be stable during high abuse conditions in a deep fryer.

 The two conditions will come into contact with high temperatures and humidity. In general, the oil should be kept at a maximum temperature of 180 ° C during the frying process. If you fry food at a lower temperature, it will increase the accumulation of fat. 

To know more about the best organic hazelnut oil visit The more saturated or solid the oil, the more stable it is to oxidative and hydrolytic degradation, and therefore the less likely it is to polymerize.


Foods that are friends and then stored before being consumed, for example, some of the snacks you can find in your local supermarket, require increasingly stable oil. The more saturated the oil, the more stable it is.

Sunflower frying oils have lower stability due to their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low content of y-tocopherol. Sunflower oils with high oleic acid content that have been genetically developed are suitable oils for frying.

To get the most out of cooking oils, it's important to distinguish between different frying conditions. The most valuable parameters that we must take into account are the duration of use and the nature of the food that is fried.

If fats from the food itself enter the frying oil, the food components could end up destabilizing the oil and water content of the material, causing a change in frying action.