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How To Choose Your LED Power Supply?

You will need a device to limit the amount of current reaching your LED to protect it from overheating. These devices can be a driver or a resistor. If you do not regulate the current, LED can draw up much more current than it is designed for. This can even lead to the failure of your LED light.

There are many companies available that provide the best outdoor lighting products such as LED and LCD. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks that will help you choose your next LED Power Supply.


First, figure out how many watts your lamp will use. If you need more than one LED, you can add up the watts of each LED. Now add another 20% to the total calculated wattage. This is to ensure that your LED does not overheat. This is very easy to do. Just multiply the total watts you calculated by 1.2. You can now find PSUs with the final calculated wattage.

Voltage current

Before you build an LED device, you need to find out if the output voltage is compatible with the LED voltage. The use of self-regulating LED products makes a lot of sense. In our example above, we need a 12V power supply.

Another thing to keep in mind is to make sure the power supply you choose can handle the input power in your home effectively. The mains voltage may vary depending on where you live. It is important to know whether you live in low power (90-120V) or high power (200-240V) area.

Dimmable LED

If you are using a dimmable LED whose brightness can be adjusted, make sure that the power you choose must also have control characteristics. You will have to go through the specs and find out if your power supply is dimmable or not.