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Kitchen Lighting Ideas: Choosing The Right Color

An important consideration when installing a new kitchen or renovating an existing kitchen is color. Just changing the color in your kitchen can give it a new look. You can now look for the best kitchen ideas via Home – Color Lighting by LIGMAN.


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Here are some color ideas (kitchen ideas) that you can use:- Many people use white as a safe choice. However, you need to be a little more resourceful and adventurous if you want to create a sense of warmth and vitality in your cooking area. 

In fact, bold colors would be the perfect complement to most modern kitchen surfaces, which include glossy honey-colored floors, glossy stainless steel utensils, or dark ebony countertops.

When thinking about color, there are a few basic areas to pay attention to:-

1. Kitchen walls: If your kitchen design has limited cabinet installation, this is the right place to apply bright colors. Most modern kitchens, however, have floor-to-ceiling cabinets, backs, tiles, and other fixtures that cover most of the walls.

2. Cabinets: They provide the perfect canvas to paint your artwork with brushes. Make sure the color you choose complements appliances such as refrigerator doors, ovens, and microwaves.

3. Ceiling: You shouldn't forget the ceiling, especially if you have a completely new look in your kitchen. If not, you may end up with a strange-looking room instead of the live broadcast you had planned.