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Facts About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal on the face uses laser light technology beamed to the hair follicles to stop hair growth. It may help prevent ingrown hairs and will save time typically spent waxing or shaving.

Laser hair removal treatment is a noninvasive medical procedure that uses a beam of light (a laser) to remove hair.

It can be done on other parts of the body too, like the armpits, legs, or bikini area, but on the face, it’s used primarily around the mouth, chin, or cheeks.


  • Laser hair removal is generally considered to be a safe procedure.
  • Side effects may include redness or swelling, and in rare cases burning, blistering, or infection.
  • The laser equipment is FDA-approved.


  • Laser hair removal requires no downtime, and the procedure itself is quick and takes less than 30 minutes for the face.
  • It should only be performed by a medical professional or a highly trained aesthetician.


  • If done correctly, laser hair removal on the face will permanently get rid of hair.
  • A 2003 study trusted source on patient satisfaction showed the majority of patients (71 percent) are satisfied by the treatment.

There was a time when laser hair removal worked best on people with dark hair and light skin, but now, thanks to advancements in laser technology, it’s a suitable procedure for anyone who has unwanted hair they’d like to remove.