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Dashboard Reports Tool: The Big Picture of Big Information

Dashboards are essentially a single-stop source for vital, high-level information with no details. It gathers all the information needed to make informed choices on one screen. It could be a broad overview of your organization, for example, it gives you a quick overview of your entire business. 

It could also provide an overview of all aspects of the organization you are keeping track of. You can also contact to get more information about dashboard reporting toolsThe first step in creating a great dashboard is to make sure that everything is in a glance.

A dashboard isn't the same as a portal.- Linking to data is not a substitute for a reliable all-in-one shop. Keep in mind that you're looking at the bigger picture, not going into the finer details. Everything should be all on one page.

Image Source: Google

Sort everything into pertinent distinct zones.- A well-designed dashboard directs your eyes to the kind of data you're searching for immediately and blocks off other data that isn't relevant. Also, don't spend precious real estate on data that isn't actionable even as crucial as you might believe it to be. It's just going to cause you to be annoyed.

Do not make a mess – If you're dealing with a large number of categories to manage it is possible to limit your list to at the very least, include the largest players. You can even search online for more information about dashboard reporting tools.