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What Is Dry and Wet Vacuum Leak Quality Testing?

A sachet can be tested for leakage in a variety of ways. Two of the most common ways to test sachets that are filled with liquid or powder is using a vacuum chamber. The dry test is the first, while the wet test is the second.

Dry Quality Leak Test

Dry testing is the use of a dry vacuum chamber (generally, without water) in order to test for seal integrity. The test is performed by placing a sample in the vacuum chamber. Vacuum is applied and the sample's behavior is recorded. You can also get additional information on dry chamber tests via online sites.

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Wet Quality Leak Test

A Vacuum Bubble Testing System is used for a wet test. This chamber is essentially an Acrylic Vacuum Chamber. While the sample is submerged, vacuum is applied to it and bubbles are inspected.

Perform a dry vacuum package leak test

The vacuum chamber is used to test the specimen. After that, a vacuum is pulled. This test can produce several results. The experimenter can determine if the sachet is a FAIL or PASS by looking at how it behaves under vacuum. The Failure Type, which is the way the sachet failed under vacuum will also help determine the failure mode of the seal and the steps that you need to take to improve its quality.

Four steps are required to perform the Dry Vacuum Test: Place the specimen into the vacuum chamber. Pulling a vacuum. Holding the vacuum and last Release the Vacuum

Vacuum Chamber Absolute pressure can be seen in the Top Right Corner. This indicates the vacuum chamber's absolute pressure. Remember that absolute pressure refers to perfect vacuum. It is currently 15 psi. This means that the test was performed at sea level. The ambient pressure can vary depending on where you are located.