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The modern side of the house plan

For centuries people have appreciated the rustic beauty of wooden houses. Its natural, strong construction is durable and attractive. Think of a plan for a wooden house that combines ancient times with the latest amenities. To get more details about Singapore property floor plans you may check here

The modern side of the house plan

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Over the centuries, pioneers have built wooden houses to protect their families from bad weather. They cleaned their house, cut down trees with axes, and arranged it into a wooden hut. Often the roof consists of tree trunks and grass.

The cracks in the walls were filled with grass, moss, and grass. The floor is made of earth or straw. Along with the modernization of construction techniques in the last century, people decided to build houses from other materials such as bricks, wood panels, and stone. In the 1960s, people rediscovered the joy of living in a log house.

Modern plans for wooden houses are very different from the wooden huts of our ancestors. The exterior is made of sticks that are not ground with ordinary wood. Wooden houses are usually made by hand or ground.

Hand-peeled logs with a very natural look. Mill rods are made to remove natural imperfections and keep them constant in appearance and size. Handcrafted wooden houses have been built in North America since the 18th century.

Wooden houses can be any size or style you dream of. Your wooden house can be a luxury villa or a country paradise depending on your needs. They are no longer just small trees; wooden houses have several floors, bedrooms, and bathrooms.

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