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How To Buy The Best MMA Gloves?

The best MMA gloves for you vary depending on factors like your fighting style and training methods. That said you must know some essential things before you choose or buy and MMA gloves.

You will need different varieties for sparring and practice sessions, for actual competition fights, and for bag work. This is due to the different padding in “MMA training gloves” (which is known as “guanti da allenamento mma” in Italian) and how much movement of the fingers they allow.

Everlast MMA Trainingshandschoenen

MMA fight gloves are built to keep both fighters safe and protected. By design, they have a lot less padding than sparring gloves and are designed for real competition. The type we use for bag work requires a lot more padding to protect your hands

A quality pair of MMA gloves will have padding which is softer and l like these gloves better for sparring. If your sparring buddy complains this will be an obvious clue. As well as protecting your own hands it’s only fair to consider your training partner.

Certain types of gloves feel very ‘snug’ on the hands and this is a personal choice – not too loose, not too tight. Absorbing the shock from big punches is another thing to consider. A good strong bag is needed for this test! Get some real power into some punches and see if this impacts your wrists, hands, or elbows. With the right level of padding, the impact and shock should be minimal.

At the same time as you order your gloves think about what other MMA gear you may need. As well as clothing like MMA shorts you may also order training aids like pads and focus mitts from a decent supplier.

Mouthguards are something else to think about and another item for spending money on and not going for a cheap option. You will take a lot of knocks in a fight and you want to protect yourself as much as you can.

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