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All About Powder Coating

Powder coating isn't just an excellent way to give metal products a stunning professional appearance, many metal fabrication companies have employed this tried-and-true technique because of the many benefits that powder coating has over painting. Find out the reasons why powder coating is superior to painting on metal.

There are a variety of options for finishing in the manufacturing of metal, powder coating is fairly new. Prior to this technique, almost all metal was coated, but it was found that the paint was not able to bond well with metal-fabricated objects and that you could only apply so much paint to the item prior to it reaching its maximum thickness.

You can also consider getting powder coating services for your vehicle. To get more information on getting powder coating services on wheels and car, you can visit

powder coating

In the 1940s and 1950s, the development of powder coating began to replace painting metal. The equipment utilized for this technique provides a more uniform coating of metal than the paint can with a thicker layer that is extremely sturdy and resists scratching, cracking, peeling, and rust. 

The process of powder coating involves two steps: applying a layer of powder to an object and after that, drying the material. The application of the powder could be accomplished using an electrostatic gun that sprays the powder. Or, an alternative method is to dip the objects in an emulsified bed. 

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