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How To Maintain Commercial Kitchen Equipment?

Commercial kitchen equipment can be extremely expensive to maintain, but with a little bit of knowledge and diligence, it can be kept in great condition. Here are some tips for keeping your kitchen tools running smoothly: 

1. Regularly clean all surfaces that come in contact with food. This includes the cooking surface, cookware, and utensils. Use dishwashing soap and hot water to clean them properly. If you want to know more about commercial kitchen equipment maintenance you can visit

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2. Keep your oven clean by regularly cleaning the inside and outside of the oven doors. Wipe down the racks, remove any crumbs or food residue, and spray the interior with a disinfectant if necessary.

3. Check all parts of your stovetop and oven at least once a week for signs of wear or damage. If there is anything wrong with them, take action right away!

4. Maintain proper sanitizing levels on all appliances by following the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure to use an effective sanitizer such as chlorine bleach or trichloroethylene (TCE) wipes when needed.

5. Make sure your knives are sharpened regularly using a honing steel or knife sharpener designed specifically for commercial kitchen use. Dull blades can lead to accidents and poor performance from your tools.

6. Keep all food storage areas clean and free of debris. This includes the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the inside surfaces and wipe down the door seals.

7. Keep your ventilation systems clear of clutter and dust. This will help prevent the buildup of bacteria and other contaminants in your kitchen.

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