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Choosing The Perfect Color For Your House Front Door

When it comes to painting your house’s front door, there’s no denying that it is an exciting task. It’s a chance to express your personality and make a strong first impression. But, it can also be a daunting task; after all, you want to ensure you choose the perfect color for your house’s front door. 

The first thing to consider when selecting your home front door color is the current color of your house. You want the front door color to complement the existing color scheme of your home. If your home is a light color, such as cream or white, then bold colors such as red, dark blue, or black are an excellent choice. 

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If your home is a darker color, such as navy blue or dark green, then lighter colors such as pastels are a great choice. Another thing to consider is the style of your home. If your home is modern and contemporary, then a bright, bold color may be the best choice. If your home is more traditional, then a more subtle color may be better suited. 

For example, muted blues, greens, or grays are perfect for a classic home. Your front door color should also coordinate with the other colors used on your house. If your house has shutters, you may want to choose a color that pairs well with the color of the shutters. Also, consider the colors of your outdoor furniture, door hardware, and other decorative pieces.

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