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What Is Medical Waste?

Medical waste is any waste that comes from medical procedures or treatments. This can include things like used needles, catheters, and surgical tools. It can also include biological waste, which is any waste that contains living cells. 

There are a few different ways to store medical waste. The most common way is to put it in a sealed container. This container should be kept in a cool, dry place away from children and pets. 

Another way to store medical waste is to use an autoclave. An autoclave is a machine that helps you sterilize medical waste. You set the machine up so that the medical Waste goes into it and then it heats up and kills all the bacteria on the waste. If you are looking for medical waste bags, you can check here.

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Types of Medical Waste:

There are a few different types of medical waste that need to be properly handled and stored:

The first type is human waste. This includes everything from diarrhea to advanced cancer. Human waste should be processed and disposed of in the same way as regular household garbage. 

The second type of medical waste is a hazardous material. This includes things like chemotherapy drugs and other toxic materials. These materials should be handled in a special way to avoid releasing toxins into the environment. 

The third type of medical waste is infectious material. This includes viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Infectious material should also be handled in a special way to avoid spreading disease.