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Get To Know About Mental Health Parity And Addiction Equity Act

Mental health is important to everyone, but unfortunately it still doesn't receive the same level of care or funding as other illnesses. Taking this into consideration, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) was enacted in 2008 to ensure that mental health services are just as accessible for all Americans.

This act is a landmark piece of legislation that seeks to address the inequality in mental health care and addiction treatment. You can click on this site to know more about mental health parity and addiction equity act.

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Under MHPAEA, all private health insurance plans must cover mental health services and substance use disorder treatments that are equivalent to the coverage that is provided for physical health conditions. 

Additionally, patients with mental health conditions or addiction must be treated in the same way as patients with physical illnesses. This means that patients with mental health conditions or addiction must be given the same access to diagnosis, care, and treatment as patients with physical illnesses.

MHPAEA has had a significant impact on the way mental health care and addiction treatment are delivered in the United States. Prior to MHPAEA, insurers tended to discriminate against patients with mental health conditions or addiction by charging them more for coverage than they charged patients with physical illnesses. As a result of MHPAEA, insurers are now required to cover mental health services and addiction treatment in the same way.