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Create Your Own Personalized Name Necklace

A personalized necklace with your name on it is a favorite item of jewelry. Your name can be displayed around your neck to make a fashion statement. These necklaces make great gifts. These necklaces can be made at home. With a little imagination, you can create your own beautiful little jewelry. This article will show you how to make your personalized name necklace at home. These are some of the most important items you will need to make the customized name jewelry :

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  • Beads
  • Clasp
  • Letter beads
  • Strong string or fishing lines

Make your personalized name necklace by choosing the beads you want to use. Then, decide on the style. There are two options: you can use different textures and colors, or just one color to create a uniform necklace. There are many materials you can use, including clay, wood, ceramic, and glass beads. You can also use metals or gemstone beads. There are many other options than plastic beads.

You will need to decide the length of your personalized name necklace. You can make the strings stronger by adding more strings. As your name will be written, the letters must be placed in the middle of the beads when you are putting them into the strings. To create dramatic effects, you can match symbol beads with the letter ones. You can make a longer name by adding beads between the letters.

Once you're done beading you can either cut the string or place it under the last one. You are now ready to wear your personalized name necklace.

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