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Types of Shockwaves Systems and their Benefits

When it comes to using shockwave therapy for chiropractic care, there are a few types of systems that practitioners can choose from. Each system has its own set of benefits , so it's important to understand what each one offers before making a decision.

Ultrasound: Ultrasound is the most commonly used type of shockwave system for chiropractic care. It works by emitting high-frequency waves that travel through the body and cause water molecules to break down.This results in a variety of therapeutic effects, including relief of pain and inflammation.  

If you have any questions about Shockwave System for Chiropractors, Please contact RegenOMedix.

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Magnetic Field Therapy: Magnetic field therapy (MFT) uses powerful magnets positioned around the patient's body to create an intense magnetic field. The field disrupts cellular activity and causes the release of energy, which is thought to help alleviate pain and inflammation.

Unlike other types of shockwave systems, MFT requires close contact with the patient's skin in order to work properly – this can be a problem if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies.

Sonographic Shockwave Therapy: Sonographic shockwave therapy (SSWT) uses high-frequency sound waves that are produced by an ultrasound machine and reflected off the organs and tissues surrounding the spine. 

This creates an extremely powerful blast of sound that reaches deep into the body and is thought to help relieve pain and inflammation. SSWT is more effective than traditional ultrasound at treating specific conditions, such as subluxation and nerve compression.