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What You Need to Know About Pre Purchase Inspection?

Pre-purchase inspections are vital for anyone looking to buy a used car in Dubai. Not only will an inspection help you avoid any major problems with the vehicle, but it will also give you peace of mind knowing that the car you're about to purchase is in good condition. Carantee is the no.1 Vehicle Inspection Agency in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

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There are a few things you should keep in mind when getting a pre-purchase inspection, such as:

The type of inspection: There are two types of pre-purchase inspections, mechanical and cosmetic. A mechanical inspection will check for any major issues with the engine, transmission, and other vital components, while a cosmetic inspection will focus on the condition of the exterior and interior.

What's included: Most pre-purchase inspections will include a thorough examination of the vehicle, a test drive, and a detailed report. Some inspectors may also offer additional services such as oil changes or tire rotations.

Cost: The cost of a pre-purchase inspection can vary depending on the type of inspection, the make and model of the vehicle, and the inspector's experience. However, most inspections range from $100-$200. 

Overall, a pre-purchase inspection can help you get the most out of your used car purchase and make sure that it is in good condition.