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How To Clean And Maintain Your Washable Play Rug?

A play rug is an essential item for any child’s playroom or bedroom. It’s a great way to provide a comfortable playing surface and protect your carpets from the inevitable spills and messes that come with kids playing. Here’s how to clean and maintain your washable play rug.

First, before you begin cleaning, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions. Some rugs may require special treatments and cleaning products, and it’s important to follow the instructions to avoid damaging the rug. To acquire more information about washable play rugs, you can look at this website.

When you’re ready to clean, vacuum the rug to remove any dirt or debris. If the rug is heavily soiled, you may need to spot-clean it with a mild detergent and warm water. Make sure to use a gentle scrubbing motion and avoid soaking the rug.

Once the rug is clean, it’s time to dry it. Avoid using a dryer, as the heat can damage the rug. Instead, hang the rug outside or lay it flat in a well-ventilated area.

To maintain your rug, make sure to routinely vacuum and spot-clean as needed. You should also regularly rotate the rug to ensure even wear.

Finally, store the rug properly when it’s not in use. Store the rug in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight. This will help ensure the rug stays in good condition for years to come.


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