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What is the Austin Bunionectomy?

Bunions or hallux abducto-valgus are a common problem and typically surgical treatment is the only method to eliminate them. This does not mean that the pain can't be handled without the need of surgery and this could include splints, exercises in addition to wearing wider shoes. However, these non-surgical methods won't generally get rid of bunions. The actual disorder of a bunion along with the progression of hallux valgus can be rather complex. Due to the contribution of so many different bone, ligaments, muscles and joints in addition to their contribution in varying degrees, there isn't just one surgical treatment intended for bunions. There are actually astonishingly a really great number of choices that surgeons have got for surgical treatment to repair a hallux valgus. Many experts have stated that there are a lot more different surgical treatments for bunions than there are for almost any problem in any other part of the human body.

One of these surgery's for bunions is called the Austin Bunionectomy that is less commonly named and more accurately identified as a distal metatarsal osteotomy. The Austin bunionectomy is a operation performed to the bones in which the bunion is corrected by relocating or sliding across the end of the metatarsal . This requires the slicing the bones along with changing their location. The Austin Bunionectomy is generally useful to remove the prominent lump of the bone (bunion) as well as to cut a tight tendon which tends to pull the big toe towards the next one. The osteotomy or bone cut will be near to the joint, therefore it is useful if the distal end of the metatarsal bone is required to be repositioned. The Austin bunionectomy is not really for everyone who have a bunion or hallux valgus because there are so many different bones and problems that can be taking part in each bunion. This procedure is not going to be used in bunion which have a lot of angulation of the metatarsal bone mainly because it doesn't straighten that. There are several procedures which can be used to fix that. A choice of surgery is dependent upon the amount of each of the different bones and soft are implicated as well as the preferences of the individual doctor. As an example, in the event the bunion is bigger, then a Lapidus procedure might be performed.

Following your Austin Bunionectomy, weightbearing is generally allowed early using a surgical boot but you will need to take it easy for a while. Healing with the bone ordinarily needs around six weeks if things go alright. Following that initial six weeks, footwear use along with activity amounts can be slowly but surely increased as they can be tolerated. The Austin Bunionectomy is usually well tolerated with very little additional complications that are generally very easily taken care of if they happen. Some of these problems are the non-healing of the metatarsal bone cut. Sometimes there are other parts of the foot which get overloaded when you start walking again and they may become painful as you become accustomed to your changed foot posture and alignment. The Austin bunionectomy is not something that you may ask your surgeon for as there are many factors that get used in the decision as to which is the ideal procedure for you personally and your bunion.


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