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Why Should You Buy a RO Water Dispenser?

RO water dispensers are a great way to get purified water without having to lug around a big bottle. Not only that, but RO water dispensers can also be used for other purposes like making tea or coffee. If you want to know more about ro water dispensers you can Click here.

There are a few things to consider when purchasing an RO water dispenser. The first is the size of your household. If you have smaller apartments or just a small kitchen, then a mini-dispenser might be perfect for you. On the other hand, if you have a larger home with multiple bathrooms and kitchens, then a full-sized dispenser might be better suited. 

The second consideration is the type of water filter that your RO water dispenser uses. There are three main types of filters: activated carbon, reverse osmosis (RO), and distillation.

Activated carbon filters are the oldest type of filter and they're generally cheapest. They work well at removing bad smells and tastes but they don't do as good of a job at removing contaminants like bacteria and viruses. 

RO filters use ultrafiltration technology to remove contaminants from the water while still leaving trace amounts of minerals and electrolytes intact. This is the best type of filter for people who want clean, safe drinking water without having to worry about toxins or chemicals. 

Distillation filters are by far the most expensive type of filter but they're also the best at removing contaminants like bacteria and  viruses. They're also the best filter for people who want pure water that doesn't have any minerals or electrolytes in it.

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