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Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know In Chapel Hill

Grooming your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's also important work. Here are the top tips for doggy grooming in Chapel Hill you need to know to keep your pet looking its best.

Brushing: Start by brushing your dog's coat once a week using a medium-to-hard brush. Use long, smooth strokes in the direction of hair growth. Be sure to avoid his skin and eyes, as they are sensitive areas.

Shampooing: After each brushing, rinse your dog's coat thoroughly with cool water. Shampoo should be used only on dry fur; use too much water and you'll create bacteria problems that can lead to skin irritation and bad odor. Never use scented shampoos or conditioners on dogs; these can be toxic if ingested.

If you're looking for a way to keep your dog groomed and stylish, there are a few tools you'll need. You can use a brush or comb to remove dirt and debris, or you can use a grooming rake to remove excess fur. Some people also use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dog's coat.

To avoid cutting the dog's skin, it's important to use the right tool for the job. For example, if you're using a brush, be sure to use soft bristles that won't cause any pain. If your dog tends to pull away from being groomed, try using treats or toys while you work on their coat. Grooming is an enjoyable experience for both you and your pup!

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